Best Chicken Raising Guides

A chicken giving a lesson to an audience of people - and

I remember when I first considered raising chickens. I didn’t think about much besides getting fresh eggs and cute little chicks and didn’t consider the work involved in raising them properly.

Unlike me back then, if you’re new to the idea, it’s important to grasp what’s involved in this rewarding venture. A well-informed start is helpful. I’m here to help you with the essentials you should know before bringing those little balls of joy into your life.

Raising chickens requires more than just providing food and water. It requires understanding their social behaviors, space needs, and protection from predators.

Your primary aim is to ensure their well-being. Before you invest in any chicks or chickens, do some research to find out which breeds will be the best fit for your goals, whether it’s for egg production, meat, or simply as pets.

For instance, breeds like the Rhode Island Red or Plymouth Rock are great starter chickens due to their hearty nature and friendly disposition.

You’ll also want to ensure you have the right supplies, from feeders to nesting boxes. Preparing in advance will make life easier for both you and the chickens.

Another key aspect is to check your local area’s regulations concerning chicken raising. Some places have restrictions on the number of chickens you can own or whether you can keep roosters. This step can save you time and trouble down the line.

Designing a Chick-Friendly Habitat – Coops, Runs, and More

Creating a home for your chickens means making a healthy living space that allows them to thrive. Your coop should protect your flock from predators and harsh weather and give them room to comfortably roam, perch, and nest.

A coop must balance ventilation and insulation. Chickens need fresh air but also need to stay warm during colder months. Please pay attention to the quality of materials and the layout of the coop to ensure it meets these criteria. For egg-laying, include nesting boxes lined with straw or shavings. I prefer shavings.

A run area outside the coop is crucial unless you are okay with occasionally losing a few chickens, especially during fox breeding season.

Think of it as their outdoor living room—where chickens can forage, bathe in dust, and soak up the sun. A spacious, enclosed run keeps them safe while allowing them to indulge in their natural behaviors.

Some owners love the challenge and customization of building their own coops, while others prefer to buy pre-made ones for convenience. Weigh the pros and cons of each option, keeping in mind your carpentry skills, budget, and the specific needs of your breed of chicken.

Cleanliness can’t be overemphasized. It’s vital for preventing disease and keeping your chickens healthy. From the choice of bedding to the accessibility of the coop for cleaning, every aspect should prioritize hygiene.

Good coop design pays off in healthier chickens and ease of care. It sets the stage for daily interactions with your flock and influences their well-being. As you determine the specifics of your chicken housing, you next want to arrange feeding and health management requirements.

Chick Care, Feeding, and Health

Caring for chickens from their earliest days as peeps until they grow into full-beaked adults is a rewarding experience that requires knowledge and attention. Fortunately, both are easy to gain.

In this section, I detail the stages of chicken development and their specific care needs, provide guidance on optimal nutrition, highlight common health issues and their prevention, and stress the importance of establishing a relationship with a veterinarian experienced in poultry care.

The stages of a chicken’s life, from hatchling to mature hen or rooster, come with distinct care guidelines.

Warmth is absolutely necessary initially, so a quality brooder setup ensures your chicks stay comfortable.

Their space requirements increase as they grow, but you don’t want to remove the heat too quickly. Your brooder starts out at a balmy 95 Fahrenheit. Then, you can reduce the temperature by five degrees a week until they get to ambient temperature.

But! You still don’t want to kick them out into the cold unless they are fully feathered, which typically takes about six weeks. Even then, I like to leave a plate heater on in the coop so they can snuggle up to it for a few more weeks. Once you are certain they have fully acclimatized, you can let them go cold turkey, uh, chicky.

Your chicken-raising experience will be successful and incredibly rewarding with the right resources and a supportive community.

A balanced diet is crucial for chickens. Start chicks with a high-protein starter feed to support their rapid early growth. Gradually transition to lower-protein grower feed as they age.

Adult chickens then move on to layer or all-purpose feed supplemented with grit for digestion and calcium for eggshell strength. Remember, clean, fresh water is essential at all times.

Regarding health issues, I can’t stress enough the importance of routine observation. Look out for any changes in behavior or appearance that may signal a problem. Issues like mites and lice can be common but are manageable with vigilance and proper coop maintenance.

Vaccination against prevalent diseases and regular deworming help keep your flock healthy.

Lastly, don’t underestimate the value of developing a relationship with a vet who understands poultry. Regular check-ups can catch problems early, and having professional support for emergencies is invaluable.

Integrating Education and Community Resources

You’re not alone in raising your chickens. There’s a wealth of knowledge to tap into, and integrating education with community resources can enhance your experience and success with chickens.

Start by seeking out forums like the one at, Facebook groups, and so on. There are plenty of them, including the site you are on. These can give you a solid foundation and a wealth of shared knowledge.

Local agricultural extension offices often offer valuable resources and may connect you with upcoming events.

Beyond formal education, getting to know experienced chicken keepers can provide insider tips and personalized guidance. Consider reaching out to neighbors who have their own flocks or join local farming groups. Hey, give ME a shout whenever you want to. I don’t bite… not anymore:)

Online forums, social media groups, and chicken-raising clubs are invaluable for support. From troubleshooting problems to sharing successes, these platforms offer a sense of community and collective wisdom.

Compile a list of books, trusted blogs, and practical guides on chicken raising for ongoing learning. Authors like Gail Damerow and websites like The Chicken Chick offer trustworthy insights. The books below are all by Gail Damerow. If you click on the photo, it will take you off to Amazon to give them a look.

Books by Gail Damerow -

**If you purchase a product or service through a link on my website, I may receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks -Dave**

Remember, raising chickens is a continuously evolving experience. Stay curious, ask questions, and always be ready to improve your practices. Your chicken-raising experience will be successful and incredibly rewarding with the right resources and a supportive community.

Take good care of yourself.


Dave and Autumn

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