Best Meat Chicken Breeds

If you’re raising chickens primarily for meat, choosing the right breed is absolutely crucial. It’s akin to picking the best tool for the job. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the best meat chicken breeds, their pros and cons, and some tips for raising them. You’ll walk away from this post with a robust understanding of what you need for your backyard farm.

Understanding Chicken Breeds

Meat Chickens vs. Egg Layers vs. Dual-Purpose Chickens

Chickens aren’t just chickens when it comes to farming. There are meat chickens, egg layers, and dual-purpose breeds. As you might guess, meat chickens are specifically bred for their meat, egg layers for their bountiful egg production, and dual-purpose birds balance the two. When looking for the best meat chicken breeds, the focus is placed on factors like growth rate, feed efficiency, and meat quality.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Meat Chicken Breed

Growth Rate

The growth rate of a chicken breed plays a pivotal role in meat production. Quick-growing breeds mean you’ll have meat on your table in a shorter timeframe. For example, a Cornish Cross can reach a good butcher weight in just 6-8 weeks!

Feed Efficiency

Feed efficiency, or how well a chicken converts feed into body weight, is another crucial aspect to consider. A breed with excellent feed efficiency can save you money and resources over time.

Taste and Meat Quality

Taste does matter! While all chicken meat is relatively similar in taste, some breeds are renowned for their distinct flavor or texture.

Top Meat Chicken Breeds

Cornish Cross

Cornish Cross -

The Cornish Cross is the king of the meat production world. They grow rapidly and have excellent feed efficiency. However, their fast growth can sometimes lead to health problems.The white Cornish Cross is a mix between a Cornish rooster and a White Plymouth Rock hen.

This cross is a popular choice because they are so efficient at converting their feed to muscle. They are typically ready to be sold as broilers at the age of eight and ten weeks. If kept longer, they can also be sold as roasters. 

I raise hens for eggs but got a couple of Cornish Crosses when I asked for “those two wounded chicks over there in the corner” at the TSC I was buying chicks from. Well, after doctoring them up a bit they grew twice as fast as the other chicks. I knew I had something other than what I was used to. 

I was amazed at their incredible growth rate and was able to give them to a friend after only a couple of months. 

Jersey Giant

Jersey Giant -

As the name implies, Jersey Giants are big birds, resulting in more meat per chicken. They take longer to mature than Cornish Cross, but their meat is often praised for its flavor.

The Jersey Giant breed was developed in the United States in the late 19th century in the state of New Jersey. It was bred as a dual-purpose breed, meaning it was raised for both meat and egg production.

This is a versatile breed that can be raised for meat, egg production, and exhibition purposes. Due to their impressive size and striking appearance, they can be popular choices for poultry shows and competitions.

Freedom Ranger

Freedom Ranger -

Freedom Rangers are a great choice if you’re after a pasture-raised flock. They’re slower to mature than Cornish Cross, but are excellent foragers and have a more natural growth rate.

Also known as the Red Ranger, it is a popular breed developed specifically for meat production. It is classified as a broiler breed. They are bred to reach market weight relatively quickly, usually within 9-11 weeks, making them a suitable choice for small-scale and pasture-based farming operations.

Freedom Rangers are generally known for their robust health and hardiness. They are bred to have strong immune systems and adaptability to different climates and environments, making them suitable for a wide range of geographic locations.


Bresse -

The Bresse is considered the crème de la crème of meat chickens, known as the “Queen of Chickens”. They’re celebrated for their exquisite flavor but can be more difficult to acquire and raise.

These chickens have a distinctive and elegant appearance. They have a well-rounded body, a medium-sized comb, and white feathers with some blue markings. The blue legs of the Bresse chicken are a notable feature and are often regarded as a sign of breed purity.

Bresse chickens are highly regarded by chefs and gourmets worldwide for their exceptional culinary qualities. Their meat is prized for its tenderness, succulence, and rich flavor. It is often used in gourmet French cuisine, including the famous dish “Poulet de Bresse aux Crèpes,” which involves cooking the chicken with cream and mushrooms.

Other Notable Breeds

There are plenty of other breeds worth considering, like the Delaware, New Hampshire Red, and Dorking, each with its own pros and cons.

Raising Your Meat Chickens


Regardless of the breed, all chickens need a secure and comfortable place to live. Pay special attention to space – meat breeds often grow larger and need more room than egg layers.


Meat chickens require a diet high in protein. While they can forage for some of their food, you’ll need to supplement with good-quality feed.

Health and Wellness

Meat chickens, especially those bred for rapid growth, can face unique health challenges. Regular health checks and a safe living environment can help prevent many issues.

When it comes to finding the best meat chicken breeds, it boils down to your specific goals and resources. Consider growth rate, feed efficiency, and taste when choosing a breed. Remember, no single breed will be the perfect fit for everyone, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for your flock

Thanks for reading. Please leave any comments you might have or any other breed suggestions below.


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